It's That Time of Year Again...♥

So I'm keeping myself busy for the day, because I don't want my mind wandering. Not much to say right now, but just keep my family and I in your prayers. Today marks the second year since I lost my mother to colon cancer, and it's still pretty fresh. My brother doesn't handle this day so well, but he's a boy so you know he doesn't want to talk about it. It's a rough day for the both of us...So just keep us in your prayers. 


  1. @ Pretty Pacino: You and your family are in my prayers :-)

  2. I feel you. Valentine's Day is always messed up for me, since that was my father's birthday. His death usually hits me then, rather than the day he died. Stay Strong!

  3. I will definitely uplift you and your family. Take care!

  4. Girlie, us on the innerwebs love you! I'll keep you and your brother in my thoughts and prayers :)

  5. Awww, this must be soo hard for you. My heart goes out to you and your family..remain strong!

  6. THank you ALL! I reeally appreciate it!



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