Day 3--Letter to My Parents.(cont)♥

Dear Daddy,
You are a CHARACTER! Lol... I thank God for you all the time, because I see all around me the consequences of fathers not being in their children's lives. It's so obvious, in a lot of people, that they needed that male guidance as they grew up. I have so much respect for you stepping up and making my brother always feel as though you were his Daddy, and treating him no differently than you treat me. He's a mess, but he's a great kid, and unfortunately his own "father" won't know this because he's too sorry to--wait this letter is strictly for my own Daddy--...This makes me even more thankful for you. Of course our family was nowhere near perfect, but you always made me feel loved and cherished, as your princess, and your only {biological} child. So even in your absences, I felt your presence ALWAYS. For that, I'm eternally grateful...Because of you, I know my worth. I know what to demand from life, what to expect, and what not to accept. I know that I can call you, anytime, no matter what the reason. I know that if someone mistreats me, they have both my daddies (you and Him) to deal with! Even though things could never get perfectly right between you and Mommy, it didn't make me love either of you any less. Romantically, things didn't work out but I for one am thankful for the love you two had for each other, that I could always feel. It's what created me, and gave you two a life-long bond to share. The fact that you weren't married, or even together for a long time didn't take away from that. Now that you're remarried, and left me up here in Ohio!! relocated to FL, I still feel the same...that lets me know that despite location, or added family, you're still my Daddy, and I'm still your Princess. I won't get into specifics, but I'm so proud of the progress you've made. Cleveland was no good for you...a change in scenery, in location, in the company you keep...goes a long way. I pray that everything remains fulfilling for you in Tallahassee, and that you're happy, because I've never been more proud of you, as a man, than I am right now. You're taking care of business, staying out of trouble, and you're safe. That's everything I could hope for! Keep making me proud, and I'll keep doing the same!
Love Always,
Your Princess.♥

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