Day 8--Letter to My Favorite Internet Friend ♥

Dear CY,
I feel so bad, the day is almost over and I'm just now doing this post! (it was a long day lol)...but luckily I didn't even have to contemplate, because of course this letter goes to you! Not just because you wrote your letter to me, either! I just love what you're all about... your posts have always been either funny, sweet, inspirational, or some amazing combination of the above! Plus you have great taste in music...and anyone who appreciates real music is alright with me! (PS, can I just say how jealous I am that everyone I LOVE in music right now--Raheem DeVaughn and Wale, for those who STILL aren't aware-- are both from your neck of the woods??? Lol) I love watching your natural hair journey (BTW, thanks for the YT recommendations!), and reading your hilarious tweets! Even though we've never met a day in life, I can tell that you're just a genuinely cool person, with a great head on her who would be welcome into my circle of friends any day! I'll give a shout out to both your pages, on Blogger and on Tumblr. Anyone who's reading this, check her out. She's this, that, and all of the above...wrapped in a cute, stylish lil' package! 
Love Always,

1 comment:

  1. Awwwwwwww so sweet =] thank you darling !! I love that we have so much in common - makes this whole blogging thing fun! ♥



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